
Auto Belays - How not to muck it up.

Auto belays are pretty common in climbing walls and are also frequently seen on mobile climbing towers. This isn’t a technical article but aimed at those who have children or peers who want to use autobelays, or indeed find themselves in a position to instruct their use as part of their work.

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Sea Cliff Climbing Skills

‍Most people do not start out sea cliff climbing. For the majority, their introduction to climbing comes in the form of visits to a local indoor wall, before venturing out onto single-pitch crags such as Stanage, where you can park your car, saunter the 5 minutes up to the crag (with full view of it at all time), peruse the guide book, do a route and casually wander round back to the bottom. Your weather worries are purely if the rock is dry or not.

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Telling: The Greatest Climbing Coaching Sin Of All

Telling is probably the most serious mistake a climbing coach can make. It is, sadly, also one of the most common.

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Protecting the first steps into leading: Ghost Roping

Like many of us, I am frequently called on to teach trad leading in a single-pitch environment such as the Peak District. Good movement skills and efficient gear placement are the foundations of the safety chain when teaching leading.

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Are you ready for a Winter Mountain day?

The first snows of winter are already upon us, below is what goes through a Winter Mountaineering and Climbing Instructor's mind as they look to plan a winter trip.

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Guidance On Engaging Professional Mountaineering Services

Whatever your target, a mountain leader, mountain instructor or mountain guide can help you to achieve your goals, support the development of your skills, expand your experience, and provide valuable feedback about your training needs.

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Building a trad climbing rack

Everyone has their own personal preferences when it comes to kit, what items, what brand, how many, what colour... Therefore, I must say, before you go out and spend hundreds on a rack, climb with as many other peoples' gear as possible first so you can decide what you prefer using!

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